Midgard big white scissor lamp

Midgard big white triple scissor lamp from a hospital The design of this vintage rare scissor lamp was developed by Curt Fischer, who worked on the idea of the ‘steerable light’ from approx. 1920 on. Even before the well known designs by Christian Dell or Marianne Brandt, Curt Fischer realized the idea of the so-called…



Midgard big white triple scissor lamp from a hospital

The design of this vintage rare scissor lamp was developed by Curt Fischer, who worked on the idea of the ‘steerable light’ from approx. 1920 on. Even before the well known designs by Christian Dell or Marianne Brandt, Curt Fischer realized the idea of the so-called ‘steerable light’ with the all-round movable work lamp. The metal workshop at the Weimar Bauhaus was lit with Midgard lights, serving as an example to Bauhaus students, and was used later in Ilse and Walter Gropius’ master house livingroom at the Dessau Bauhaus.

Original condition
Bakelite E27 bulb socket with rotary switch

REF 054