Kaiser Idell black scissor lamp

Black Kaiser Idell black scissor lamp The Company Kaiser & Co Leuchten KG was founded in 1895 by Christian Dell, a goldsmith and industrial designer, who teached at the Bauhaus school. He designed a large range of lights (more than 500 models) with the idea to create interchangeable and strandardised parts of lamps. The Idell…



Black Kaiser Idell black scissor lamp

The Company Kaiser & Co Leuchten KG was founded in 1895 by Christian Dell, a goldsmith and industrial designer, who teached at the Bauhaus school. He designed a large range of lights (more than 500 models) with the idea to create interchangeable and strandardised parts of lamps. The Idell Lamps are today like an timeless ideal, with a simple and clean avant-garde design, nobles materials and an essential functionality.

The lamp has signs of wear consistent with its age and use.
It has a noteworthy patina.

The interior of the shade is flawless.

The lamp is engraved with KAISER IDELL on the shade.

The mechanical system of the lamp functions fine.
The lampshade can be smoothly moved horizontally thanks to a spherical ball joint.

The electrical equipment was renewed and refurbished with a three-wire system and a black cloth coated cord was used.

The lamp can be easily attached to the wall with the wall-mount bracket and screws.

Please refer to the photos for more details.

REF. 016